In no particular order, this is the development pipeline of features/fixes/changes to come on this site.
User auth
- Add User Signup
- Add forgotten password route
- Think about whether we should lock accounts after `X` incorrect attempts
Article Tags
- Create Page for a Tag with a list of Articles linked to it
- On Admin Articles index page, show tags next to each Article
- When editing Article, find a nicer way to select tags and create new ones
- Add Author dropdown when creating an Article, make sure it's saved. Currently all articles are authored by the logged in user
- Enable leaving comments on Articles
- Write more tests
- Do something meaningful with the Events triggered in the app
- Create a scheduled task to pull together all the cache data and place in permanent storage (things like hit counters and whatnot)
- Add Email sending
- Send email when user registers
- Set up newsletter with user subscriptions
- Allow users to unsubscribe from emails
- Add Source Pot logo to each page
- Finish writing About page